Tips to make Current Glass Door. What we find is oil-based spray lubricant, and even kerosene, which is incompatible with rubber-based material. Rubber can be damaged or deformed by the oil. Although the website says its product WD40 product does not contain kerosene, but may contain other oils occurs much more problematic with rubber or o-ring, and so forth.

So that simply could be concluded that the lubricant spray is generally more suitable material for base metal and certain plastics.

Safe Spray Lubricating
Relatively safe spray lubricant to all the material is silicon-based. Silicon base material is safe for rubber, plastics, glass, metal and so on, because it is not greasy.

If using oil-based spray lubricant / kerosene, feared even to make rubber tracks become more locked glass door (narrowing) in a few days later after the spraying done. (Similar problems will re-occur after a few days).

So we can choose silicone-based spray lubricant to fix the problem is the glass door. Often called SILICONE SPRAY.
source : detik.com

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