Previously, a study conducted by Japanese doctors and published in the International Journal of impotence Research explained that the seat of the motor gives undue pressure on the perineum or skin that is under the testicles, the area between the anus and scrotum.
Because this can cause pressure that can restrict blood flow to the genitals of the rider, which will eventually have problems erectile difficulties.
The study also revealed that excessive vibration from the engine will cause a decrease of two growth hormone in the bladder and prostate (gland dikantung urine), which is associated with relaxation of the bladder.
But even so, Member of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and Seksologi Association of Indonesia (ASI), Dr. Andrew Wananda MS brushed aside arguments that the Japanese doctor.
"It's not the motor that causes impotence. But using the bike it can cause infertility or less fertile sperm produced,"explained Dr. Andrew who has also taught at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.
Well then how to avoid a decline in sperm quality for users of two-wheeled vehicle dock? "There are several ways ranging from the selection of clothing that is used when driving to service your vehicle regularly," he explained.
Here are tips to avoid reduction in sperm quality for motorcycle riders according to Dr. Andrew
1. Make sure your drive does not use the pants are too tight.
2. If you have been traveling far enough, change your pants with a size larger or more loose.
3. You should pay more attention to how far you travel on a motorbike.
4. If you have a heat engine is not stable, not in the drive was too long.
5. Perform regular service for engine performance, is still in good condition. So it does not generate excessive heat.
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