Currently China is one of the largest market share for car makers, so many of the automotive manufacturers who create products exclusively in China.
Not all countries are claiming it is an important thing, but not to China. One of the car manufacturers who prey on the Chinese market, is a BMW.
BMW has just preach to launch a product that is specially manufactured for China alone. A car "New Energy".
As reported by Topspeed on Wednesday (03/23/2011) This paper delivered at the BMW Company's Annual Press Conference last week. Information in the can about these cars is still very minimal.
However, according to news from the Press Conference, the car in question is a BMW 5 series the New Energy Vehicle (Nev.), 2011.
Reportedly, the BMW 5-series Nev will use hybrid technology, the Chinese government to adjust policies that carries eco-friendly issues.
Until now, no BMW plans to produce environmentally friendly cars that are specifically in a country other than China.
BMW will officially launch this special product to China at the Shanghai Motor Show 2011.
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